Female 🔸 Prefers to be the Only Pup 🔸 Not a Fan of Cats 🔸 Better With Older Children 🔸 Approximate DOB: 11/28/2019 🔸 Last Weigh-In: 54.6 lbs
Seeley’s Story
Meet Seeley! She was rescued by a pair of long-time SDF volunteers and brought to Grace Animal Hospital to get checked out by Doc and the staff and get some tender loving care. Even when she was malnourished and scuffed up, her demeanor showed nothing but gratitude. Her wiggly body and waggy tail just doesn’t stop; she loves to show her appreciation for being rescued.
Seeley is leash-trained, does well in a car, loves toys, and is very smart! She loves showering people with so many kisses, so if you are looking for the sweetest love pup, this is your girl!
Check out #sdfSeeley on Facebook or Instagram to see more of this gal!
*Behaviors not listed have yet to be tested.