Male 🔸 Dog Friendly 🔸 Last Weigh-in: 67 lbs (Healthy weight will be 80-86 lbs) 🔸 Approximate DOB: 2/1/2023
Sampson’s Story
Hi friends! My name is Sampson. My journey hasn’t been easy—I was abandoned in the Sea Isle neighborhood after Christmas 2024, left to fend for myself after facing abuse and neglect. Kind neighbors left me food and safe places to rest, but I was still scared. Then, some Streetdog volunteers (and their alum pup, #sdfBlythe) started visiting me with treats and patience. At first, I ran, but they didn’t give up. Eventually, I realized they were the good guys, and I let them rescue me. They named me Sampson, which means Sun Child.
Now, I’m safe, warm, and finally getting the love I deserve. I’m about 2 years old, a pittie/Great Dane mix, and currently working on getting back to a healthy weight of 80lbs before I start heartworm treatment. Doc thinks my ears were cropped with dull scissors, and I have some hearing loss in one ear from being hit in the head with a blunt object, but I’m learning that most people are actually very kind and loving!
Even after everything, I’m the sweetest boy—gentle, affectionate, dog-friendly, and eager to please. I can’t wait to heal up and start my next chapter. Stay tuned for updates!
Check out #sdfsampson on Facebook or Instagram for more information and pictures!
*Behaviors not listed have yet to be tested.