Male 🔸 Dog Friendly 🔸 Not a Fan of Kitties 🔸 Better With No Children 🔸 House Broken 🔸 Crate Trained 🔸 Last Weigh-in: 61 lbs 🔸 Approximate DOB: 2/7/2013
Hello everybody! My name is Munchkin. I'm a male boxer mix and was born in May of 2013. I have all my shots and am neutered and microchipped. I'm a healthy boy ready for my forever family.
I wandered into the Snowden subdivision around Thanksgiving 2013 - and boy was I one thankful pup when the people took me into their home with their teenage boys and 3 other dogs for me to play with.
I get along great with everyone and love to play. I have attended obedience school where I learned to sit, stay, walk on a leash, and get along with other dogs. I just know I would be a wonderful addition to someone's family!
Munchkin has a lot of anxiety surrounding new people he doesn't know and scary new situations. For his protection and that of other people/pups, he wears his muzzle. He wears a muzzle pretty frequently, so it is important he has one that fits him properly and doesn't rub. There can be a stigma surrounding dogs who wear muzzles, but really, it's just a responsible solution when you have a nervous pup who can potentially react negatively.
Check out #sdfMunchkin on Facebook or Instagram for more!
*Behaviors not listed have yet to be tested.