Marley Mae - Foster Needed
Marley Mae - Foster Needed
Female 🔸 Dog Friendly 🔸 Not a Fan of Cats 🔸 Better With No Children 🔸 Last Weigh-in: 54.0 lbs 🔸 Approximate DOB: 1/1/2013
Check out more about Marley Mae at #sdfMarleyMae on Facebook or Instagram!
Marley Mae’s Story
February 2025 Update: Marley Mae is deaf and blind and is a very independent girl who likes to do her own thing. Her favorite thing is sunbathing! She does fine with other dogs, but mostly likes to chill by herself.
Hi I'm Marley Mae - I've been a Streetdog since I was a little puppy back in 2013 when I wandered up onto a random porch. I was born around January 2013, and I've been with a lady for several years, but the adoption didn't work out. Now I'm back with my Streetdog friends looking for the perfect forever home for me.
I'm an Australian Shepherd - Cattle Dog mix, full of love and so much companionship left to give. I love to meet new people. I have a favorite pillow and love soft plushy toys I can chew on. I like to spend time outside in the sunshine too.
*Behaviors not listed have yet to be tested.