Guinness - Foster Needed
Male 🔸 Dog Friendly 🔸 Not a Fan of Cats 🔸 Better With No Children 🔸 House Broken 🔸 Crate Trained 🔸 Approximate DOB: 5/17/2021 🔸 Last Weigh-In: 50.8 lbs
Guinness’ Story
Hi everyone, my name is Guinness! Rescued around St. Patrick’s Day, I’m a gentle German Shepherd who loves walks, running, and spending my weekends on a local patio enjoying all the pets and attention. After being hit by a car and injured when I was 11 months old, I was too shy to accept help from the concerned neighbors who had spotted me. Memphis Animal Services eventually got me and transferred me to the nice people of Streetdog. They took me straight to Grace, where I was diagnosed with leg injuries and a possible dislocated hip. The team at Grace worked to set my dislocated left hip and placed it in a sling to stabilize it while I healed from my other bumps, bruises, and swelling. Now I am just waiting for my forever home!
A foster has said, "He’s loyal to his humans. He’s your ride-or-die, in dog form! He’s not fond of strangers being near his humans, so I do keep him separated from guests. But you couldn’t ask for a more silly or lovable pup! He’s also the most handsome, intelligent, and athletic guy I know."
Guinness is dog-friendly and has lots of energy! He would thrive in an active and structured home that can help maintain his training that he has worked so hard on. Could it be your home?
Check out the hashtag #sdfGuinness on Facebook or Instagram for more pictures of this cutie!
*Behaviors not listed have yet to be tested.