Male 🔸 Dog-Selective 🔸 Kid Friendly 🔸 Not a Fan of Cats 🔸 Crate Trained 🔸 House Broken 🔸 Last Weigh-in: 62.0 lbs. 🔸 Approximate DOB: 5/19/2019
Bott’s Story
Bott’s January 2025 Update!!
We are FLOORED that this sweet man hasn’t been adopted yet. He is such a loyal boy- he loves to be your shadow. When he’s home, he will follow you everywhere. He gets small bursts of energy but is mostly a very chill dude who loves cuddling and napping. When he does get bursts of energy, he is so floppy and awkward and just a big ole goofball!
Although he may be a goober, he is a very good boy who is great on walks and does well with commands. A previous foster has said, “What I love most about him is that he is really aware of other people’s boundaries. He can sense if people don’t want his attention. So even though he is big and floppy, he’s still great with older people and kids.” Check out the pictures with a foster’s nieces- the sweetest!!
Botts is endless entertainment, especially in public and on field trips. He loves getting into everything! He can sometimes be particular with other dogs, but overall does well, including when seeing other dogs in public.
What are you waiting for? Contact us to meet this sweet boy today!!
Meet Botts. We don’t know much about his life before coming to us, but we know it wasn’t good. His scars tell us that he was likely a bait dog and are a reminder that there are so many dogs in Memphis that need our help. The story below is told by Botts’s finder, Mrs. Tennessee 2019, Paige Botts, who you may remember from our 2019 Howl at the Moon videos.
“I am a physician assistant student at a local university, and on my way to school recently, I saw a bundle next to a street sign. I immediately realized it was a dog and pulled over to see what was going on. When I approached the dog, I honestly couldn’t believe my eyes.
This dog was severely emaciated and wore an oversized men’s gray stained sweatshirt and tied with a chain to a street sign. The chain was so tight that he could not move an inch from the pole and lay in his urine. He was covered in crusted blood, oozing wounds, and I could see every bone in his back and hips. Something so odd that besides being in a sweatshirt, in the chain, was a small teddy bear. He was cold to the touch leading me to think he had been there most of the night. I searched for anyone around and was so upset because I could see that this poor baby was hurt, and I couldn’t get him off the pole myself. Even though I was panicking, he was wagging his tail and looking at me with the sweetest eyes.
Finally, an employee from a nearby business was kind enough to help me, and we were able to free him, and I loaded him into my car. He didn’t show one ounce of fear or aggression during all of this. Even though he is covered in puncture wounds from an animal attack, infected, and so malnourished, he was just so loving and curled up in my back seat. I immediately knew who to call for help: Streetdog Foundation.”
We have named this sweet boy Botts in honor of his finder, Paige. We are so appreciative that she stopped to help him. Since then, Botts has made a full recovery and will make a wonderful family pet. He’s super fun to be around and a big goofy boy. When he’s home, he is very chill and wants to sleep on the floor next to you.
Check out #sdfBotts on Facebook or Instagram to see more of this sweet boy!
*Behaviors not listed have yet to be tested.