Female 🔸 Dog Friendly 🔸 Not a Fan of Cats 🔸 Better With No Children 🔸 Approximate DOB: 12/20/2016 🔸 Last Weigh-in: 65 lbs
Bea’s Story
Bea is one of those miracle dogs, and we are blessed to witness the many positives that come from such a bad start. She went from a fate where her chance of survival looked so slim for a few hours to becoming a Streetdog and knowing she was safe.
In December 2021, we received word that a precious angel girl was struck by a vehicle in a hit-and-run case and left injured in the street and utterly helpless. A Good Samaritan saw this happen and stopped to lift her broken body into his car and try to find help. He drove her to Animal Emergency Center, where she was heavily sedated to assess the damage. This sweet pittie girl, dubbed “Bea,” had a significant laceration inside her lower jaw where the force of the blow caused her lip to tear away from her gums. The expert AEC staff repaired this large wound with many stitches along with a compound fractured pelvis and dislocated leg.
Bea is looking for her forever family to share playtime, long walks, and epic games of tug-of-war. She is so sweet and dog friendly! She would love a confident handler who is good at establishing boundaries. Will you be the one to give her a fur-ever home to be a treasured pet and family member?
Check out this adorable gal at #sdfBea on Facebook or Instagram!
*Behaviors not listed have yet to be tested.